Oh boy! Here I go! Across the state, all the way to the coast, by myself! I am excited and scared and kinda bummed no one can go with me. I don't even have a freakin' dog for a travel companion.
So, I'm blogging about this because it's exciting and big news for Gritgoods, but also because it's good to tell the world where you'll be and when you'll be there, just in case something happens. Similar to going on a long hike by yourself in the wilderness, which I also do.
My trip starts Sunday the 10th. I'll drive to Wilmington and check out stores for a full day Monday and stay again in Wilmington Monday night. Tuesday I'll drive to Ocracoke and spend that afternoon and Wednesday searching the outer banks for stores. (I don't know if you've noticed but my jewelry has a distinct beachy feel to it. Of course someday I'd like the beaches I'm combing for stores to be in Bali.) Wednesday evening I'll drive to Raleigh and search stores in that massive area all day Thursday. I've been to Durham for the Durham Art Walk, but never made it to Raleigh proper. I'll stay one more night in Raleigh and then drive to Boone Friday morning. I searched the Boone area last year, but didn't keep good records of what I saw.
So, 6 followers, and anyone else who made it this far in the post, if you have any knowledge of cool shops or suggestions for places to eat let me know. In particular I'm looking for shops that emphasize handmade arts and crafts and local artists.
Wish me luck!